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Total 977 Articles, 1 of 98 Pages
977 [] (Excenter) 10230
976 [л.] Ҽ/complex number  [1] л 13652
975 [л.] ȹ/linear programming л 8076
974 [л.] Ʒ /convex down л 7977
973 [л.] ְ ߽/center of hyperbola л 7757
972 [л.] ְ /focus of hyperbola л 7975
971 [л.] 󱸰/half closed interval л 6678
970 [л.] ŷڵ/reliability л 10540
969 [л.] ŷڱ/confidence[fiducial] interval л 6769
968 [л.] /decimal expansion л 8736
1 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [98]