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Total 977 Articles, 3 of 98 Pages
957 [л.] /trial, experiment л 2854
956 [бʷ] /experiment Ǵ trial л 2799
955 [л.] /initial point л 2400
954 [л.] ʼ/initial line[ray] л 3399
953 [л.] /permutation л 4091
952 [л.] /ordered pair л 3513
951 [л.] /flow chart л 2785
950 [л.] ȭ/instantaneous rate of change л 4725
949 [л.] ȯҼ/recurring(Ǵ periodic, Ǵ repeating) decimal л 5234
948 [л.] /pure imaginary number л 4444
[1] [2] 3 [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [98]