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Total 977 Articles, 15 of 98 Pages
837 [л.] /infinite set л 2353
836 [л.] ⺤/direction vector л 6472
835 [л.] ڻ/direction cosine л 3378
834 [л.] /eqation л 3094
833 [бʷ] ݿø/rounding (to the nearest whole number) л 13658
832 [л.] Ʒ/lower base л 2161
831 [л.] /normal vector л 10352
830 [л.] Ʒ /convex up л 44920
829 [л.] ݷ/counterexample л 3978
828 [л.] /alternate (interior) angles л 3026
[1] [11] [12] [13] [14] 15 [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [98]